Catering as a Leader, Not Just a Service

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At many colleges and universities, catering is seen as a necessity but as a leading cause of financial losses. During this webinar, we will explore some of the reasons behind this and the associated issues. These include staffing challenges, a philosophical difference between catering and dining, staff concerns about participating in catering, and the difficulties in controlling food and labor costs.

After discussing these challenges and where they come from, we’ll examine how to overcome or eliminate them. This will involve creative labor models, and cross-training team members to understand how catering operates and the similarities that exist within dining units.

Dustin Freeley

Assistant Director, Cornell Dining

Cornell University

Dustin Freeley grew up in the restaurant business in upstate New York and is now the Assistant Director of Residential Operations at Cornell University. He joined Cornell Dining seven years ago as a sales manager in Catering and is the former Director of Catering. Before Cornell, Dustin was the Director of Operations for a privately owned catering company in Ithaca, NY. Before moving to Ithaca, he was a lecturer at Hunter College as well as a brand manager for Atlantic Wines and Spirits in New York City, where his portfolio was specifically focused on Diageo and Moet Hennessy.


Catering as a Leader, Not a Service Webinar
Recorded 10/16/2024  |  51 minutes
Recorded 10/16/2024  |  51 minutes Overcome or eliminate financial losses in your dining program. Learn about creative labor models and cross-training team members to create operational efficiencies.